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Monday 24 August 2009

**WARNING** Grass Seed Season!

I have just spent the last 10 minutes gently extracting not just one or two but FIVE grass seeds – one of them over a centimetre in length – from underneath my dog’s  eyelids after a run in the fields.


This is the worst time of the year for grass seeds and they are designed to grip and cling to whatever they make contact with; in this instance,  Sticky’s eyeballs!


I was going to post a video of me extracting them but I didn’t want to make anybody faint!  It really was horrific stuff, with the biggest seed actually making me think for one awful moment that I was pulling out a piece of eye tissue – it was that big.


Please please please make sure you check your dog’s eyes, ears, paws and pay careful attention if your dog seems in any discomfort.  We thought we’d cleared Sticky for seeds but they had worked their way right round and deep around the eyeball and when he couldn’t stop pawing his eyes, we knew something was wrong.


Obviously be careful about digging around the eyeball and if any doubt whatsoever, get your dog to a vet and keep them out of long grass for the time being to prevent it from reoccurring.