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Friday, 17 July 2009

World-Renowned Experts' Opinions on 'Dog Whispering'

World-renowned dog trainers, behaviorists and veterinarians had all warned National Geographic that Millan’s methods had the potential for disaster. Below are quotes from noted experts:

Dr. Nicholas Dodman - Professor and Head, Section of Animal Behavior
Director of Behavior Clinic, Tufts University - Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine

“Cesar Millan's methods are based on flooding and punishment. The results, though immediate, will be only transitory. His methods are misguided, outmoded, in some cases dangerous, and often inhumane. You would not want to be a dog under his sphere of influence. The sad thing is that the public does not recognize the error of his ways. My college thinks it is a travesty. We’ve written to National Geographic Channel and told them they have put dog training back 20 years.”


Jean Donaldson, The San Francisco SPCA-Director of The Academy for Dog Trainers
“Practices such as physically confronting aggressive dogs and using of choke collars for fearful dogs are outrageous by even the most diluted dog training standards.  A profession that has been making steady gains in its professionalism, technical sophistication and humane standards has been greatly set back.  I have long been deeply troubled by the popularity of Mr. Millan as so many will emulate him.  To co-opt a word like ‘whispering’ for arcane, violent and technically unsound practice is unconscionable.”

Dr. Suzanne Hetts, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist
Co-owner of Animal Behavior Associates, Inc., Littleton, CO

"A number of qualified professionals have voiced concern for the welfare of pet dogs that experience the strong corrections administered by Mr. Millan. My concerns are based on his inappropriateness, inaccurate statements, and complete fabrications of explanations for dog behavior. His ideas, especially those about “dominance”, are completely disconnected from the sciences of ethology and animal learning, which are our best hope for understanding and training our dogs and meeting their behavioral needs. Many of the techniques he encourages the public to try are dangerous, and not good for dogs or our relationships with them ."

Vyolet Michaels, CTC, CPDT (Certified Dog Trainer and Behavior Counselor)
Owner of Urban Dawgs, LLC of Red Bank, NJ
"Cesar Millan employs outdated methods that are dangerous and inhumane. Using a choke chain and treadmill to treat fear of strangers and dogs is completely inappropriate. Hopefully the National Geographic Channel will listen to the scientific community and discontinue production of The Dog Whisperer."

Janis Bradley, Instructor at The San Franciso SPCA Academy for Dog Trainers
Author of the book, "Dogs Bite"

"On his TV show, the main method Millan uses for aggression is aversives (leash jerks, kicks, snaps of the hand against the neck, and restraint, among others) applied non contingently. The aversives are non contingent because they are so frequent that they're not connected to any particular behavior on the part of the dog—the dog gets popped pretty much constantly. This results in a state called learned helplessness, which means the animal hunkers down and tries to do as little as possible. This is what Millan calls "calm submission." It's exactly the same thing you see in a rat in a Skinner box that is subjected to intermittent shocks it can do nothing to avoid. This can happen quite fast, by the way, shall we say in ten minutes? The dangers to the dog are obvious, ranging from chronic stress to exacerbating the aggression, i.e., some dogs fight back when attacked. This latter is the simplest reason that aversives are a bad idea in treating aggression. Even used technically correctly as positive punishment for specific behaviors like growling and snarling, aversives do nothing to change the underlying fear or hostility, so the best you can hope for, in the words of famed vet and behaviorist, Ian Dunbar, is "removing the ticker from the time bomb." Thus such methods substantially increase the risk to humans of getting bitten."

Excerpt of letter from Lisa Laney, Dip. DTBC, CPDT, CBC
to National Geographic before airing “The Dog Whisperer”:

“The intended program depicts aversive and abusive training methods - treatment for some serious anxiety and fear based issues - being administered by an individual with no formal education whatsoever in canine behavioral sciences. The "results" that are shown are more than likely not long lasting changes, but the result of learned helplessness, or fatigue, neither of which impact behavior to any significant long term degree - at least not in a good way. For those of us who are pioneering the effort to end the ignorance that drives the cruel treatment administered upon our canine companions, it is disappointing to see that this programming will reach the masses - especially on the NG Channel. The ignorance that this program perpetuates will give equally ignorant people the green light to subject their dogs to abuse. In turn these dogs will react even more defensively, will bite more people - and end up dead.”


From:  http://www.urbandawgs.com/divided_profession.html


Thursday, 16 July 2009


It is with great happiness that this blog entry is to detail how Belle has been doing in her new home!

Once her gut problems had cleared I could see no reason why she couldn’t start her new life with her new family so I dropped her off five days ago along with her bedding and a couple of days food.

It’s always indescribably nerve-wracking to rehome a Mastino and I am the first one to admit that I probably go overboard with instructions and guidance because it is so important to me that the dog settles as quickly as possible! However I had nothing to worry about as these owners have listened to everything I’ve told them and have the space for Mastini to be happy.

I can now reveal that Belle has gone to live with Luca, the poor dog that lived in muddy yard all his life and didn’t leave it to go for a walk for over a year. His owners did a fantastic job with him so they were the obvious choice for such an important job raising a Mastino pup! He has taken to his new Mastina friend beautifully, gently but firmly helping to teach her about manners better than ANY human could!

So far so good; everything is going well, with Belle relaxing more every day and already adores her male owner now that she knows he’s actually not a scary bloke and really quite nice!

Here are some pictures that I took during the follow up visit the other day of Belle with her new Dad and Uncle Luca! They make me very happy….

Friday, 10 July 2009

Belle - End of Wk 2

During the past 48 hours Belle’s stomach has improved greatly with normal stools and it’s a lot easier to cope with cleaning up after her now!  The other two are also absolutely fine now so all of the dogs have been mixing calmly and happily throughout the house, sharing floor space and a big mattress in the yard in the sun.  Belle is actually very respectful of the other two dogs, albeit clumsily (as a pup always is).


The only thing we are watching extremely carefully is her resource anxiety around water.  We have multiple water bowls throughout the house and yard and if she isn’t drinking from them is no problem but the moment she puts her head down to drink, if another of the dogs approaches she becomes very anxious and ‘freezes’.  To help combat this we’ve put water in her ‘room’ next to  her crate which is ‘hers’; the other dogs do not go into this room when there is a foster dog in, even though it’s my office!  Belle seems to understand that if she wants a drink, this is where she can go and drink ‘in peace’ without having to scan and freeze.


She is a still quite reactive when out on walks and when we visited her new owners again she was still edgy around the male owner but it was promising to see that if she had the space to escape from him, she always did this rather than decrease the distance and try to ‘intimidate’ him away from her (which is what she does if on a lead).


She’s now hitting the end of the ‘honeymoon’ period with a newly-relocated dog so we’re expecting behaviour shifts, but we also think she may be coming into season as there were a couple of blood-spots on her bed this morning so this may also be responsible for a slight escalation in anxiety or reactivity.


We’re now just waiting for the test results on her fecal sample earlier this week and if they’re all clear she can go to her new home and start her new life (fingers crossed!).

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Aggression Breeds Aggression

Here is an excerpt of a post I’ve just written on the UKRCB forum…


“CM is forever saying 'This is good, this is good' when he pressurises a dog so much it smashes through it's impulse threshold. He thinks the only way to deal with aggression is to create aggression so he can 'correct' aggression.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong...

He thinks that flooding and crowding dogs while forcing them to tolerate the stimulus is the way to 'cure them'.

God, so wrong!


I really wish that we could afford to get CM over here and face a panel of real behaviourists, televise it and make people see the fraud that he is.”



Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Ups & Downs

The one thing about writing a blog is so that people can follow the ups AND the downs.  I was very down this morning when there was no end in sight but today the antibiotics seem to be kicking in and things are getting a little easier to deal with on the cleaning up front!  That’s what foster care can be about and this is the worst I’ve ever felt with a foster dog.  I’d rather deal with biting and snarling and lunging than diahorrea… You don’t have to throw out all your carpets and redecorate afterwards!


The other nice thing that took my mind off things today was taking a day out with the Tuesday Walk Club to a nearby park with some lakes to play in and the dogs, bless them, showed us that it isn’t just ducks that love this weather!




Belle - Week 2

By far the worst thing that we’ve had to deal with in fostering Belle has been the gut infection she brought with her which has not only affected our own dogs but has now affected me too.  Whether it’s Giardia, Salmonella, Campobylacter etc doesn’t matter anymore.  I am utterly exhausted, dejected, disillusioned and finding it difficult to work which is now causing me terrible financial hardship too.  The sheer strain of clearing up after not one but three dogs who have uncontrollable and dangerous diahorrea is simply soul-breaking and it’s making me feel like I cannot put my family (and that includes my dogs) through this any longer so I’ve had to make the heartbreaking decision that Belle will be the last dog we foster for the time being.  We will pull Belle and everyone else through this but no more.  Foster care has finally defeated me and I will now concentrate on running the rescue and my canine behaviour consultancy (which funds the rescue in so many ways…).   



It’s just been a disastrous, traumatic, horrific time that I hope nobody else has to go through and the plea to the kennels where she came from is that if any other dog shows any signs of diahorrea at any time, PLEASE don’t just pass them on…  It can, as in this case, have catastrophic consequences.  I have taken this burden on and not passed Belle onto her new home because she will infect the existing dogs;  I wish that all kennel facilities could be this responsible.


Monday, 6 July 2009

Belle - Day 8

Just have to post pics of what happened today…


Belle and her new male owner had that magical moment (after some careful, gentle desensitisation and counterconditioning).  Everyone in rescue knows exactly what I mean and a picture (or five!) will speak a thousand words… 




Sunday, 5 July 2009

Belle - 1 week in...

Belle today met her new owners again but to ensure that her anxiety was kept to a minimum we met in her yard.

Strict instructions were as follows (for us all!):

1.       No bending down over her or towards her

2.      Moving as calmly and quietly as possible around her

3.      No prolonged eye contact

4.      If she jumps up, turn your body away from her to block her

I also coincided this visit with her lunch so that she could be fed by them and start to change her emotional state around them from anxiety and mistrust to a more positive one.

Both owners complied with the instructions to the letter and within half an hour they were sitting down and feeding Belle by hand.  She even let the male owner tickle her quietly under the chin.  She was relaxed and calm after half an hour so we decided to end it there on such a good note.

A completely different outcome to a couple of days ago simply because we kept everything calm and controlled around her!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Dealing with Anxious Dogs...

An excerpt from an email I have sent to the prospective owners of Belle, the dog I've been fostering who last night lunged at the male owner because he bent down to her...



"Just a little thing that I was thinking about last night to help you realise how long it takes before you can be affectionate with a dog...  I have only just started slightly bending over Belle FIVE DAYS after living with her 24 hours a day, and even then I am very cool and controlled about it.  I’m naturally a very ‘stand-off’ person with all dogs simply because I understand that they don’t like crowding physical contact and I have never been bitten during an introduction with a new dog simply because I stand still and ignore them, making no sudden moves, keeping my hands out of the way and making no eye contact.  I present myself as completely benign to them so that they can feel okay about coming to scent me first, which is how dogs (especially anxious ones) prefer to say hello; not with eye contact, smiles, touching or talking to them.  Belle has a ‘bubble’ around her that she can only let people into that she completely trusts, and after five days of living with her almost 24/7 she’s only JUST allowing me in…"


Thursday, 2 July 2009

Belle - Days 3 & 4

We've had a very typical week with a new young foster. Ups and downs but her baseline character is definitely coming through now and she has got a very pleasant temperament with people, showing no aggression whatsoever with lots of passive affectionate gestures. We're all treating her very consistently; not rewarding her jumping up, barking at us (or other people),jumping up at the kitchen surfaces or the gate etc and these behaviours are noticeably decreasing.

House training has been very difficult as we now think she has a stomach bug which is still giving her diahorrea so she will be off to the vets tomorrow
for a check up! Diahorrea is extremely common with new dogs but she has been drinking regularly so she's not dehydrated and isn't actually losing weight so we haven't been too worried but 3 days with no sign of improvement, even on Burns foods, is too long so the vet will hopefully be able to help her. It's been really hard work trying not to get disheartened with cleaning up so much mess for so long, but that's foster care.

She has met and been for a walk now with Bailey the Great Dane and our little dog Sticky. She has been extremely excited to greet them and has tried to play a little too roughly but has reacted very appropriately when corrected by them; she is learning to read the 'cut off' signalling that they're giving her and breaking eye contact, turning away and becoming calmer around them.

She is a VERY quick learner and more importantly, eager to learn! This has been a bit of a revelation; for a Molosser to react well to training! Her lead work and 'Sit' training is coming along beautifully but if you lax just a little bit, she does still take advantage - well she's a 12wk puppy in a HUGE body! It does make me absolutely livid that all of this basic training should have been dealt with by the age of 16-20 weeks. It's so much harder for a dog to learn after this but people just will not put the time and effort with their pups...

Unfortunately the current heatwave has rendered all of us practically housebound during the day with temperatures of almost 30 degrees. She has had a fan on her constantly and this has kept her cool and comfortable.(We're sweltering as all the fans in the house are on the dogs!!!)

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Pictures of Belle

Here are some pictures of Belle taken in her bed last night.

Belle - Day Three

The first 48 hours over and the real hard work begins...

Unfortunately it's been a helluva lot worse than usual because of the awful heat at the moment - it hit over 30 degrees again today. Belle was very restless, even though we had a fan on her all day. We then swapped the fan for a larger one this afternoon and she seemed a little more able to settle.

She's not eating much but that is fairly common with foster dogs being swapped over onto another food. We've had to put her straight onto Burns as we can't feed the food that was provided because it is mostly animal and vegetable derivatives, provides absolutely no nutritional quality and is far too high in protein to help with her behaviour.

She also still has diahorrea and is sadly not housetrained so the last couple of days have been extremely difficult for me and the rest of the family as she doesn't seem to want to toilet outside at all. This is a very common problem with dogs that have come out of a long stay in kennels; they just get used to toileting wherever they want to (just another reason why
we don't like kennelling dogs!).

One of her accidents in the house today had a little drop of blood in the urine so there is a chance she is coming into season which might explain some of the restless behaviour.

She met Bailey the Great Dane female for about a minute today (supervised and in the yard). She showed absolutely no aggression but there was a high level of anxiety and tension there as she clearly displayed that she hasn't got a clue about what to do when she meets another dog. This is going to have to be a very detailed rehabilitation with very carefully selected dogs I think..

Normally we would exercise her a bit more to help her to settle when indoors but in this heat we're not able to get her out for a proper walk until the evenings although I did take her to sit outside the house on a public green for 10 minutes a couple of times just to get her out for a change of scenery.

She is still giving a couple of barks at people but I'm teaching her that I don't want her to do this by taking charge of the situation and walking her calmly and confidently around in a circle away from the stimulus, re-approaching and praising her for settled behaviour. If I were to punish or react harshly she would simply associate people with not-very-nice things happening to her and that is the opposite of what we would like.

Teaching her to sit instead of jump up for attention is going well. She's starting to realise that jumping up merely gets her completely blanked and actively ignored. If she sits or even lies down and rolls over we will immediately be happy and smiling and interactive with her.

This is all very basic puppy training stuff which we'd normally have done and sorted by the age of 16 weeks so she's a very immature, young pup in a great big body and months behind in her behavioural development. I've always understood why people have trouble coping when their cute bundle of wrinkles turns into something like Belle, but I've got no sympathy for people that didn't do their homework BEFORE getting a Neapolitan Mastiff pup in the first place....