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Friday 22 January 2010

Dog Breeding - Again

Ah it seems my last blog entry ruffled a few feathers, solely (as expected), from breeders and show people feeling the need to ‘have their say’.

Points made in response to my last blog included:
  1. Reminding me that I own / have owned pedigree breeds myself so therefore must agree with selective breeding and accept that all dogs would be mongrels without breeders.
  2. Saying they are confused by my statement that I do not support selective breeding, but then say that work needs to be done on improving the behaviour of dogs.
  3. Individual breeders taking great pains to inform me of the careful selections they make when putting dogs together, suggesting that these actions are the only way to improve the health of dogs…
Point 1: 
I own dogs, not distinctions.  I don’t give a damn whether they are a specific breed or a Heinz 57 as long as they are physically and behaviourally healthy.  If you go to my website I’m the recent proud adoptee of a delightfully odd and vigorously healthy ‘mixed-breed’.  I’m also the owner of the result of obscenely irresponsible breeding, leaving my dog partially blind and profoundly deaf.  I love and respect both of them equally and if the cost of all dogs being healthy is for all dogs to look the same, I’d GLADLY make that sacrifice.

Point 2:
I’m not confused at all.  If I had my way, all selective breeding and aesthetic dog showing would be banned.  However as that’s unlikely to happen, I at least like to point out what ALL breeders should be doing to put the health of dogs first, instead of just some of them.

Point 3:
I really don’t see the point in informing me about people’s specific breeding practices as if it’s something to be proud of.  It really won’t convince me that it’s doing the dog as a species any good at all.  If people want to practice aesthetic manipulation I wish they’d do it on orchids and bonsai trees and leave wonderful, amazing, beautiful, intelligent and sentient beings alone.